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Big Lake Youth Wrestling

Big Lake Youth Wrestling


2024-2025 Team Wrestling Season is back!

Big Lake Youth Wrestling Team Practices are held on Tuesdays after the wrestling season kicks off.
Please talk with Team Head Coach to see if your child is eligible. 

***Wrestle-off guidelines can be found in the Parent

League Rules for Mississippi Youth Wrestling Conference Structure and Rules.

This is a youth wrestling conference designed to promote the
team concept in youth wrestling.  Too often the youth wrestling
has been focused on the individual through attendance at the
chaotic and numbers-driven open tournaments.  Most youth
wrestlers find the few team duals they have the opportunity to
wrestle in to be one of their best experiences of the season.  
While the conference will be competitive in nature, the
conference clubs should seek to emphasize the team, have fun,
and learn about wrestling, without undue stress on winning.

Any wrestler who is registered with the individual clubs may
wrestle on that club's meet team, provided they are in GRADES PreK-6 and attends Big Lake Schools, Home School in the Big Lake School District or attends Private/Charter School that does not feed into a High School Program. 

Each team in the conference will have one duel meet with each of
the other conference clubs. This can be accomplished by
triangular meets. The duels have been scheduled. (Please
check the schedule page for more information.)  

The home team shall provide mat space, a scoring table with a
scorer and timer.  The home team shall also provide the official.  
The official may be a high school wrestler.  The official may also
be a coach from one of the clubs, if both coaches agree.  
However, no parents who are not coaches will be allowed to

The dual will use NYWA Class A Weigh Classes as listed below:

45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 84, 88, 93, 102, 115, 130,
HWT-Max. 215

Weigh-Ins will take place at the scheduled dual meet start time.  
Wrestlers will be given a ONE pound allowance at weigh-ins to
adjust for variations in scales.  Scales do not have to be certified,
as long as coaches agree on the scale to be used.

Coaches are to provide the scorer's table with a roster of
wrestlers and alternates with wrestling to start immediately upon
completion of weigh-ins.  Teams will be allowed to list up to 5
alternates, and there may be up to a maximum of 5 exhibition
matches, which do not count for team scoring purposes.

A coin flip will determine which team declares the first wrestler at
a weight class.  The winner of the coin flip will select "evens" or
"odds."  This corresponds with the weight class match numbers.  
For example, 50 pounds is match 1, 55 is match 2, 60 is match 3,
etc.  If the winner of the flip selected odds, that team would have
to put its wrestler out first in the odd match numbers, i.e., the 50
pound class, the 60 pound class, the 70 pound class, etc.  The
first declared wrestler will report to the scorer's table to give his
name, whereupon the second declared wrestler will report to the
scorer's table to give his name.  

The team scores will be kept utilizing the high school scoring

Win = 3 Team Points
Win by Major = 4 Team Points
Win by Technical = 5 Team Points
Win by Fall = 6 Team Points
Forfeit = 6 Team Points
Injury Default = 6 Team Points
Disqualification = 6 Team Points


The MYWC will not enforce the NFHS rule requiring mouth
guards for orthodontia.

The MYWC does adopt the new neutral position option added to
the NFHS Rules.

Three 1:00 periods-WITH STOP TIME-unless injury time out
determined by official.

High School match scoring rules.

Overtime Procedures

First overtime is 45 seconds long.  It is sudden-death on the feet.  
First takedown wins. If there are no takedowns, go to 2nd OT.

Second OT is 30 seconds long-Ref flips (or does 'number behind
back').  Wrestler who wins toss has choice of being top or
bottom.  If top man rides out, he wins.  If bottom man escapes, he

Only ONE MATCH on the mat at one time-please do not try to
speed up the duals by splitting mats.  This defeats the team

Only coaches and wrestlers will be allowed at mat side.

Contact Us

Big Lake Youth Wrestling Association

PO Box 154 
Big Lake, Minnesota 55309

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 763-260-0407
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